Thursday, May 19, 2011

Capital Circuits

For DC circuits, DC means Direct Current. A direct current circuit is a path for charged electrons to travel through. DC circuits must have a source of energy (a battery), resistors (lightbulbs) and conductors (wires). There are three types of DC circuits: series, parallel, and combination.

In a series circuit, the total resistance is equal to the sum of the values of the resistance provided by each resistor, and the total voltage is the same across each resistor. However, the voltage drop in the entire circuit is equal to the sum of the voltage dropped across each resistor. The current is also the same at any point in the wires all the way around the circuit, and the total current is equal to the voltage divided by the total resistance. If a lightbulb is removed from a series circuit, the rest of the lightbulbs go out because without every lightbulb, the cicuit is broken.

In a parallel circuit, the voltage across each branch of the cicuit is equal to the voltage across the other branch of a circuit. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is found by adding the reciprocals of the total resistance in each arm of  the circuit and finding the reciprocal of the result. The total current in a parallel circuit is equal to the voltage of the battery divided by the total resistance, so the amount current in each branch is inversely proportional to the amount of resistance. If you removed one of the lightbulbs in a parallel circuit, the other lightbulb stays lit because the circuit isn't broken, so there is still a path for the current.

Complex circuits are a combination of series and parallel circuits.The total resistance is found by adding the resistance in the parallel circuit to the resistance of the two lightbulbs that are in series. The total current is found by dividing the batteries' voltage by the total resistance. The two lighbulbs in series are the brightest because they have the most current flowing through them. The lightbulb in the branch of the parallel circuit by itself is the second brightest becuase the same amount of current flows through each branch of the parallel circuit, but it has half the resistance of the other branch of the parallel circuit because the resistance of the branch with two lightbulbs is twice the resistance of the branch with only one lightbulb. The reason the branch of the parallel circuit with two lightbulbs has more resistance is greater is because the two lightbulbs in the branch is equal to the sum of the resistance of two lightbulbs. If I removed one of the lightbulbs that is in series, the entire circuit would go out because the circuit would be broken. If I removed the lightbulb from the branch of the parallel circuit with only one lightbulb, all of the others would stay on, because there is another path for the current to flow through. If I removed one of the lightbulbs from the branch of the parallel circuit with two lightbulbs, the other lightbulb in the branch would go out because they are in series, but the other lightbulbs would stay on, because the circuit wouldn't be broken.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Physics and Funnel Cake

In order to apply our physics knowledge to the real world, for when all of us become amusement park ride physicists and engineers, our class built functional models of amusement park rides we designed to illustrate physics concepts. To add excitement, all of the rides were themed as iPhone apps. My group built two rides, a Cut The Rope pendulem ride, and a Robot Unicorn Attack carousel. The following Prezi will show them in all their glory better and more thoroughly than I could manage with mere words, and the link to our team's web page about our amusement park will grant access to the innermost workings of our design process.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Say Cheese!

This photo demonstrates the physics concept behind concave converging mirrors. To make this photo, I held a spoon up to a staircase in my house and photographically documented the ensuing event. The image of the staircase is obviously smaller than the actual staircase. The image of the staircase in the spoon is inverted because the staircase is far away from the spoon. If the staircase had been extremely close to the spoon, the image would have been upright and larger than the object instead of inverted and smaller than the object. Because the image is inverted, it is also real. This means that the spoon is a mirror and not a lens. The spoon reflects light rays inward, towards a focal point, which accounts for all of the image’s properties, including the distortion of the object. The edges of the spoon are where the distortion is most evident, because the edges of the spoon are the point on the mirror that are farthest from the focal point, which is what all of the light rays are bending toward.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Making Waves

The electromagnetic magnetic spectrum is the range of radiated waves that can travel without a medium, the majority of which are not visible to the naked eye. These waves range from radio waves, with the largest wavelength and smallest frequency, to gamma waves, with the smallest wavelength and highest frequency. The electromagnetic waves, from lowest to highest energy, are radio, microwave, infrared, visible, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma. The waves with the most energy are radiated from the hottest particles. The characteristics of electromagnetic waves are that they are all transverse waves, they all travel at the speed of light (unless impeded by mediums such as water or glass), they can be reflected and refracted,  they can transfer energy from one place to another, matter can make and absorb electromagnetic waves, frequency is constant regardless of the medium the electromagnetic waves are travelling through, they don't have a charge, and their velocity is equal to the product of the waves' frequency and wavelength in the specified medium.

Ultraviolet electromagnetic waves are the next most energetic electromagnetic waves after the visible spectrum of light. The sun is the Earth's main source of ultraviolet radiation, but other sources include other stars and hot cosmic objects. The wavelength of ultraviolet waves ranges from l00 nanometers to up to 420 nm. The frequency of ultraviolet waves is between 7.5 X 10^14 and 3 X 10^16 Hertz. UV rays are extremely familiar to the majority of humanity, because they are what causes sunburns, and even skin cancer. It can also cause cataracts, a weakened immune system and premature aging. Despite its dangerous qualities, it also has useful applications. For example, UV lights can be used to solve crimes by aiding crime scene analysts in finding organic materials, such as DNA. Ultraviolet radiation can be used for medical purposes in several helpful scientific studies.

Gamma rays are the most energentic out of all the waves in the electromagnetic spectrum. Their frequency can be up to 10^27 Hz, and their wavelength is from 10 to 11 meters. Gamma rays are highly radioactive, so they don't occur often in everyday life, but they are commonly used by the medical community to combat cancer and sterlize equipment, and by the scientific community to map stars and other objects in space.


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Masterpiece Theater: Energy Kills

In the most recent physics unit, we learned various things about energy. We learned that energy can be transfered from one object to another and has the ability to bring about change. Perhaps most importantly, we learned that energy is conserved from initial to final states. This means that unless work is done, initial energy will be equal to final energy due to energy conservation. Energy can't disappear, it can only transfer to other objects through work, such as applied energy (initial state) and friction (final state). The three types of energy we learned about were potential energy, kinetic energy, and elastic energy. Potential energy usually refers to potential energy due to gravity, kinetic energy occurs when an object is in motion, and elastic energy occurs when energy is stored in an object with elastic tendencies, such as springs and bouncy balls. The method of energy transfer we learned about is work. Energy is transferred when energy enters or exits a system. We learned how to draw bar graphs and energy flow diagrams to represent the type of energy present in a system.
Work represents the amount of change a force produces when it acts on an object, and is equated as W=FX, if the force is acting in the same direction as x. If F and X are perpendicular, then no work is done. Power is the rate at which work is performed, and P=W/T.
Kinetic energy is equal to 1/2mv^2. Potential energy is equal to mgh. Elastic potential energy is equal to 1/2kx^2, with k representing the spring constant. We also learned that the net work performed on a body is equal to the difference between initial and final energies, and that mechanical energy is equal to the sum of the potential and kinetic energy found in a system.
Now that the knowledge base has been etablished, I will delight my readers with a thrilling
tale of physics.

"Edith, I'm sure you know why I've called you here today," said Edgar, a curmudgeonly old
"Yes," answered Edith, thinking that Edgar would finally grant the monastery a much needed donation. After all, he had no family, and obviously no friends, so he might as well grant a portion of his vast fortune to her church, which had fallen on hard times.
"Well, the rest is just business then. Shall we go for a stroll among the gardenias and discuss it?" asked Edgar.
"Yes, I do so adore gardenias," answered Edith, humoring the man until he bequeathed his
fortune to the church that had been soliciting him for so long.

During their stroll, Edgar and Edith chatted congenially, both of them waiting for the right moment to bring up their respective thoughts.
When they reached the edge of a cliff that lay at the edge of Edgar's enormous estate, they stopped to begin their conversation.

"As you know," began Edgar, "I have been diligently conserving my resources in order to use them to their best affect."
"Indeed," interrupted Edith, "and the brothers and sisters at the monastery would certainly bless you in their prayers and feel undying gratitude if you took upon yourself to fund our missionary ventures."
"Yes," answered Edgar, "but I have been thinking that my resources could be used to produce a much more drastic and immediate effect if I transferred them to you." And with that, Edgar proceeded to transfer his energy to Edith in a most drastic manner, by pushing her off of the cliff.

intial energy = final energy, or PEga+W=PEgb+KEb

Please note that there is no air resistance due to the presence of sharks.*
*This has yet to be proven due to lack if government funding.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Redemption: Uniform Circular Motion and Universal Gravitation

Lately, our physics class has been learning about the motion of objects in a circle, and the force of gravity. In the unit over uniform circular motion (hence the title), we learned about centripetal force, how to calculate the tangential velocity, the centripetal acceleration, period, and frequency. In uniform circular motion, an object moves around the perimeter of a circle with a constant speed. The time it takes to travel one rotation around the circle is known as the period, and frequency is the number of revolutions that an object can travel during a certain time period. Centripetal force is the force that keeps the object moving in a circle. Centripetal force is always pointed toward the center of the circle, and is equal to an object's mass multiplied by its velocity squared divided by the radius of the circle that the object is traveling around.
Universal gravitation is the law that proposes that all objects in the universe are attracted to all other objects in the universe. The force of this attraction can be determined by the multiplying the product of the masses with the value of G (6.67 E -11) and then dividing this by the square of the distance between the two objects.
The area of the unit that I had the most trouble with was identifying the centripetal force. The reason I had trouble with this is because I tend to over think things, and often confused other forces with the centripetal force. In order to overcome this difficulty, I just needed to remember that centripetal force is the only force pointing toward the center of the object's circular route. In order to remind myself which force is the centripetal force, I drew sketches of the situation described in each problem. For instance, if a rock is being swung around on the end of a string, the centripetal force is provided by the string, so the tension force supplies the centripetal force. And, for a change, I didn't have any outstanding problems with universal gravitation.

This unit of physics has many practical uses. One such use could be gaining respect and eventually power from your peers through your superior knowledge of physics. For instance, if you are rounding a corner with your friends in the car, and your dashboard hula dancer slides away from where it was lovingly placed, slipping toward the precarious edge of the dashboard, you will know what's going on. One of your friends, awed by this phenomenon, asks why the hula hooping doll seems so attracted to the edge of the car. You, with your extensive physics knowledge,  are able to answer, "The doll lacks a source of centripetal force, and continues moving in the same direction it was moving in before the car turned." Your friend responds by saying, "Oh, yeah. I totally knew that," but secretly admiring you because they did not, in fact, know that. Later, when said friend conquers the world, they will grant you a high ranking government position, even though you aren't really qualified and have been dodging the international authorities for years. Effectively, you will be granted a life of riches, power, and diplomatic immunity, all because you knew the inner workings of centripetal force.
Or you could figure out the coefficient of static friction of tires against asphalt while you're on a mind numbingly boring road trip. Universal gravitation can be used to find out how attracted you really are to your significant other. (If your mass is 100 kg, and your boyfriend's mass is 150 kg, and y'all are sitting two meters apart, then you are .000000250125 N attracted to him. That's not very much. Maybe y'all should break up.)

Either way, it's pretty useful.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


In this episode of Mythbusters, we (Abigail, Tori, Sabeeh, and Will) fearlessly set out to disprove wrongly believed physics myths. We gallantly disproved these myths in order to  preserve physics' integrity and save lives. After all, misunderstanding science can be dangerous.

Myth 1:
The first wrongly accepted myth is stated thus: An object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it.
This is false. An object usually moves in the direction of this force exerted on it , but not always. If an object always moves in the direction of the net force exerted on it, and we throw a basketball on the ground, then it won't bounce back into the air, because gravity would be the only force acting on the basketball. To disprove this myth, the bold mythbusting team threw a basketball at the ground, from whence it proceeded to bounce back into the air. This is a classic example of projectile motion.

The forces acting on the basketball after it bounces look like this:
As you can see in this sum of the forces, the only force acting on the basketball while it's in the air is gravity. (The unattached arrow represents direction.)
 According to the false myth, the basketball should be falling faster than the wreckage of a sky pirate ship. In fact, if the myth was true, the ball wouldn't have gotten off the ground at all. Because the basketball is moving up, the myth is busted.

Myth 2:
The second myth is theorized so: An object always changes its motion if there is a force exerted on it by other objects.
This myth is also false. Most objects change their direction when there is an outside force exerted on it, but some objects just ignore outside forces and keep going. If an object always changes its motion if there is a force exerted on it by other objects, and a ball has normal force exerted on it by a tube then it will change directions. Once again, the intrepid group of mythbuster set out to disprove a myth. This time, we rolled a basketball at an empty, defenseless tennis ball tube.


When the basketball hits the empty tennis ball tube, it ignores it like a steamroller ignores a squirrel. The FBD of ignorance that strong looks like this:

(The unattached arrow represents direction.)
The empty tennis ball tube exerts a normal force on the basketball when the basketball hits it, as shown in this sum of the forces acting on the basketball:
Even though there is a force acting on the basketball, its motion isn't affected in any way whatsoever, rendering the myth busted.

Termination (it's a legitimate synonym for conclusion):

In the end, my troops and I did what we set out to do. We disproved myths. In fact, we did so well, that we disproved all of the myths!
Now, you may be asking yourself, 'If these myths were so quickly disproved by a motley crew of high school freshman, why would the human population in general believe them?' My answer to you is this: they don't. The human population in general doesn't think about physics, probably because it's the most mindblowingly awesome subject ever. But if the world did hypothetically think about physics all the time, they might still believe these myths.
But why? Is it because human ignorance is as flagrantly obvious as a volcano full of molten lava in your face? (I really hope that never happens to anyone. It would be really painful.) I don't think ignorance is the problem. The birth of these myths is rooted in misguided logic. I mean, they sound pretty reasonable.
The first myth's origins are obvious. The hypothetical, misguided physics geniuses (genii only applies to spirits, demons and qualities) construct FBDs of their daily movements, and they notice that whenever they exert a force, they move in that direction (walking, running, swimming, skating, snowboarding). However, these physics geniuses didn't continue to construct FBDs for all of the other aspects of their lives, or they quickly would have realized that their theory was wrong.
The second myth also seems like common sense. When you run into something, like a sumo wrestler or a giant cube of jello, you tend to bounce off. The prodigies of the hypothetical physics world were quick to figure out that your motion changed because the sumo wrestler and the jello exerted a force on you. Or maybe they just played pool frequently. In any case, the fault in this theory was that they weren't empathetic enough. If they had put themselves in the sumo wrestler's shoes, or the jello's shoes, they would have known that they didn't move at all.
The laughable physics geniuses' foibles live on in the mind of real people, ones who don't really construct FBDs for every situation. This is why the masked crusaders, known only as the 'Mythbusters', continue to redistribute the wealth of knowledge.